Our Services

Building Acoustics
We work with other design professionals including architects, structural engineers and building services engineers to create high quality buildings. Whether the project involves apartments, offices, education or performance spaces, investment in good acoustic design adds value to a building. Our comprehensive, professional service covers everything from concept design, through to verification measurements upon completion.
We provide advice on legislative aspects of the building design, including Clause G.06 of the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC), and District Plan / Resource Consent requirements around external noise from traffic, aircrafts, ports or frost fans. With representation on the current Ministry of Building Innovation and Enterprise panel working to re-draft Clause G.06 of the NZBC, we are also well placed to provide advice on the latest international and national thinking with regard to noise control and legislation in buildings, and future consenting risks.
To ensure we are able to assist with any aspect of your building project, we have invested in significant analysis and measurement support including:
- ULYSSES Acoustic and Sound System Simulation software, and INSUL sound insulation prediction software
- Bruel and Kjaer 2250 sound level meters, 01dB tapping machine and Yamaha self-powered sound source for conducting measurements of noise levels, sound transmission loss and impact sound in and around buildings
Examples of current or recently completed major Building Acoustics projects include:
- Wanaka Sports and Aquatic Facility, Wanaka
- Regional Science and Innovation Centre, University of Canterbury
- Airways Control Tower, Wellington International Airport
- Lincoln Schools Network Redevelopment, Canterbury

Environmental Acoustics
We provide assistance with all aspects of environmental noise. We can predict the noise which is expected to be generated by a new activity and provide an assessment report during the Resource Consent process. We can also measure the noise emitted by activities which are already underway, and consider compliance with any relevant noise limits and provide advice about how to reduce or manage the noise.
Our experience includes the prediction, assessment, measurement and management of noise from a wide variety of sources including traffic, trains, airports, helicopter landing sites, entertainment venues, wind farms, mechanical equipment and quarries. We are therefore very familiar with the national and International Standards and research in these areas. Our projects may involve people undertaking activities which generate noise, or people concerned about how noise will impact on them. We also routinely work with local Councils in a peer review role.
We have a variety of hardware and software tools available to enable us to provide a world class service including:
- SoundPLAN general environmental noise modelling software and the Integrated Noise Model (INM) used to evaluate aircraft noise impacts in the vicinity of airports.
- Bruel and Kjaer 2250 sound level meters equipped with environmental logging and audio recording software, tone detection and analysis, outdoor microphone and wireless communication capabilities.
If required we can also prepare and present independent expert evidence at Council Hearings, and before the Environment Court and Boards of Inquiry. Examples of current or recently completed major Environmental Acoustics projects involving this type of input include:
- Establishment of an international cricket facility at Hagley Oval – Direct Referral of a Resource Consent to the Environment Court. Acoustics experts engaged by the Applicant. Link to Decision.
- Proposal to establish and operate an airfield at Jack’s Point by Queenstown Skydive Ltd – Direct Referral of a Resource Consent to the Environment Court. Acoustics experts engaged by section 274 Party. Link to Decision.
- Plan Change to enable residential development of a rural zoned vineyard site in the vicinity of Omaka Airfield (Marlborough District Council Plan Change 59). Appeal before the Environment Court. Acoustics experts engaged by the Applicant. Link to Decision.
- Enforcement order proceedings relating to the operation of the Cable Bay Rifle Range – Hearing before the Environment Court. Acoustics experts engaged by a Residents Association. Link to Decision.

Occupational, Industrial and Construction noise and vibration
We can measure and manage noise in factories and other workplaces in accordance with New Zealand Standards and ACC Guidelines to protect the health and safety of workers. Our capabilities also include the acoustic design of engineering machinery and other products – from detailed design and analysis to commissioning noise and vibration measurements. We also regularly monitor and assess noise from construction works, and provide practical advice regarding mitigation.
These varied projects often draw on the creativity and experience of our team, and require the use of advanced testing equipment or facilities. Our historic and ongoing relationship with the Acoustics and Vibrations Research Group at the University of Canterbury provides opportunities for collaboration on these types of projects.
Examples of current or recently completed projects in some of these varied areas include:
- Weapons Training Simulation Facility development, Ministry of Defense
- Occupational noise assessment, Heller Tasty Kaiapoi processing facility
- Noise testing and development of hunting apparel, The New Zealand Merino Company
- Audiology department relocation feasibility study, Dunedin Hospital